Rocks & Pebbles & Happiness

ROCKS & PEBBLES & HAPPINESS is a story about two brothers who can't forget their past memories and grudges. Calvin lives his life comfortably and has surrounded himself with people that make him happy. He has a girlfriend named Leah, whose idiosyncrasies he's come to enjoy and cherish. His best friend Sal shares Calvin's love of music and they have a mutual appreciation for one another's bohemian perspectives. Calvin tutors a little girl named Isabel and although his career choice is not financially rewarding, he enjoys spending time with her and trying his best to keep her curious mind focused on her schoolwork. Calvin's brother Jonas lives up north where he runs a small photography/videography business. Although Jonas does have his own place, in a beautiful city and can afford to pay two employees to do his work for him, he's completely miserable and lonely. His business is unprofessional, his customers complain and his employees don't really care about him or his work. The one thing that used to make Jonas happy was his relationship with Anne, but judging by his moody, self-absorbed and aggressive nature, one can assume that he found a way to ruin that too. When Jonas decides that his situation is hopeless and his relationship can no longer be safe, he decides to take a vacation and visit his brother. The conflicts immediately begin when they come together. Calvin's once comfortable existence is completely interrupted and every aspect of his life is scrutinized by his brother. It's when the two brothers start calling their shared memories into question that old feelings of jealousy and insecurity begin to resurface.